This is a one-time simple step before starting to use your donabe for the first time.
Because Iga-style donabe is made of porous clay, without seasoning the donabe, it might cause leaking or cracking. Therefore, we suggest that you season the donabe by making the porridge in it. It might sound like an extra step, but it’s just a simple procedure in order for your donabe to last for many, many years.
Make sure the outer bottom of the donabe is dry before starting the process.

*Make sure not to let the mixture boil. If you boil, the hot mixture can splash out of the pot and it’s dangerous.
*Use the proper protection (such as pot holders or oven mitten) when handling the pot (including the lid) when it’s heated, as the donabe can get very hot.

Remove the rice mixture from the donabe. Rinse the donabe thoroughly and let it dry completely before using it for the first time.